
化妝保養品類 2023-03-06

Aromate Industries Co., Ltd. 是亞洲領先的創新空氣護理和香水產品 OEM 製造商。為了豐富和保護環境致力於研發天然有機香味產品和生質塑膠應用,以創造優質的產品、持續技術創新、國際可持續採購與生產之豐富經驗而聞名。本次透過麥邁景觀設計與當地果農合作開發替代用途,提取自果皮,可使用於家庭芬香!


Aromate Industries Co., Ltd., founded in 1996, is an Asian leading OEM manufacturer of innovative air care and fragrance products. To enrich and protect the environment, we are dedicated to researching and developing natural, organic scented products and Bioplastic components for our case product. We are well known for creating quality products, unceasing technology innovation, well-experienced in international sourcing +production, and sustainable sales and marketing support. Aromate is your one-stop shop for an environmental air case solution provider.


麥邁景觀設計顧問有限公司(Mai Mai Landscape Architecture Design Co., Ltd.)

睿澤企業股份有限公司(Aromate Industries Co., Ltd.)
木禾子整合行銷有限公司.(Muhezi Integrated Marketing Co., Ltd.)
三一原創概念工坊有限公司(31 Original Concept Studio Co., Ltd.)
城鄕永續發展有限公司(Sustainable Rural-Urban Development Co., Ltd.)


財團法人塑膠工業技術發展中心(Plastics Industry Development Center)
